Thursday, June 3, 2010

14- The anticipated truth

Raman moved over and checked Sasha's pulse." She has just died" he remarked as he took out his revolver.
"listen" he dragged Prashi towards him and asked " Check out there is power in the neighbouring house.Quick".Prashi rushed to the veranda and returned after what seemed to be 10 seconds.
"yeah.only this house is dark" he said and tried to divert his focus from Sasha's face.
"Good. switch on the fuse, will you? I bet it is not how it is supposed to be" Raman said.

Prashi took a few more painful minutes to spot the fuse switch before discovering it was actually turned off.He switched it on as the tube light of the drawing room started to flicker.The only other room to be illuminated was Sasha's bedroom.
"Wait right here.I'll go check the other rooms" Raman left them.Prashi and Pottu felt alone as they kept staring at the corpse.They felt very vulnerable as the very sight of Sasha raised questions in their mind.Did it end with the killing of siblings? Who was next?

Raman returned after a few minutes as all their questions were momentarily suppressed."There is no one in the house.The backdoor is open" he gasped.
"Who killed her?" Pottu asked.He was no longer crying.
"Shall I call the police?" Prashi asked.
"No" Raman glared at Prashi.
He summoned both of them to the sofa beside.Pottu started stammering " Are you...Are you.."
"Relax Pottu.I will tell you everything" Raman convinced as he cleared his throat.

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