Saturday, June 12, 2010

Open letter to GOD....

First things first.You may be magnanimous at heart, a creator at work and people may praise your munificence but for me you are the best obsessed puppet master in this awful world.In the end you screw them all.I have a hunch that you enjoy cutting the strings more than pulling them around.Or else why, out of all places would I end up in an engineering college where a fucking single digit real number is gonna decide how good I am?Why would I repent every moment on the night before exam when I'll be forced to mug up rubbish while my parents at home think I am STUDYING engineering?My career seems as exciting as that of Sania Mirza.Even if HARIKRISHNA returns to movies and strikes gold at the box office,I'd still be a loser.

 I bet you have laughed enough of your ass off watching me grapple in the exam hall trying to peek at the scribbled formulae on my bare legs.And how can I ever forget the sharp-tiny bits of paper which were kept hidden in some corner of my body for the invigilator felt he'd do me a favour by surfacing his Poirot instincts and catch me red handed. Betraying my pride, I'd beg,crawl and grovel for a parchment that would keep my ass outta college for the whole summer vacation.I've had enough of it!!

 I was always filled with chagrin over my dismal grades .Occasionally, I felt a revulsion spawned in my heart which started moving to my head with a positive note.I never realized it had been suppressed brutally until I received the grade card of the next semester from my professor who stared at me like a Balayya's fan watching a reality show."Its too late my boy" he said.

Damn!  there is 100- day function for even movies like SIMHA.Why cant you throw a narrow beam of light into my life.You are tendentious GOD! I swear! you are biased.Ironically for my life which is going as smooth as a MiG plane, there is another palpable thing called COMPETETION.As awful as it sounds, It adds agony to my life.And who are these 9 pointers anyway? your favourite pampered puppets? They make my life miserable.Wherever I go,I'm always made to stand behind these 9 pointers like a side dancer shaking his ass miles behind Rajinikanth.Im like the 98th bother of Duryodhana, people dont even know my name.Im as famous as the apprentice of the main antagonist in a shelved Doordarshan serial.My existence is so obscure that even the gatekeeper of my college cant recognize me.I bet,in future you'd torture these 9 pointers as much as you torture a pregnant woman in her 9th month.You stab everyone in the back and say you are actually patting  backs.( Super covering I say).And I doubt you have stabbed me more than Brutus stabbed Caesar.

You did another mistake by showing me LIFE as it is,dirty and stinking.I have actually become so pragmatic and selfish that I never think of others.Its only the forlorn attempts to save my ass in this miserable place called college.You have spread opened many things before me.I have no idea what to do.Im skeptical about my priorities.I am as confused as a monkey with a Rubik's cube in hand and probably as nervous as a bitch surrounded by street dogs.And still when I am plagued with these difficulties, you seem to be so enticed with Balayya that you gave him a hit.NOT FAIR!
When Im down a cool dude pops up in front of me wearing a t-shirt which says

*&()^%$( supposedly In chineese) the next person who asks me what it means will get a punch on his face

I feel like going to chor bazaar and purchasing a t- shirt quoting

"I want the fucking subtitles or I'll decapitate your entire family race."

I know, even if I will perhaps make the most lackadaisical professor conduct a surprise MIDEXAM the same day.That is the power of the abhorrent feeling you have towards me and vice versa.

At the end of the day when Im trying to get some sleep, you rewind my memory and flash pictures of all the good-looking girls in my mind.I, like any other puppet of yours forget to atleast guess my goal and start thinking about the damn girls.Some of them,ofcourse remain in my mind.But doing so you are actually mocking at me for not having anything in life.Luckily, I have friends who share a similar pathetic life.You may puppetize many lives but remember 1 thing.You can pull the strings as long as you have those hands.The more the number of puppets, the less is your hold over them.Eventually we will be liberated from your clutches .The day you dont control things is nearing GOD!

Though I have been at the pinnacle of pessimism throughout the lines, Im quite optimistic about this.I can bet my life on it.The countdown starts....Basti me sawaal!

-An extremely frustrated engineering student

P.S: Apologies for using slang.But a frustration is never like an Obama's speeech.