Sunday, October 26, 2014

The swing between

It is nothing but terrible boredom that is making me write the following, for I agree with the idea that life is a pendulum-like journey between pain and boredom.What, how, why spring from the pain-end, whereas what else from the boredom-end.Happiness- if I may use the word- might be the feeling we get as we cut through center,consequently reaching either of the extremes. Now it is impossible to stay in the center forever because we were permanently pushed out of the stable position when we started thinking for ourselves.Only if there is a resistance to our will, we might eventually return to the original position.But as long we are thought driven, we won't be countered at all.Thoughts have a peculiar knack of maintaining their momentum.

Since there is no other driving force for us, it therefore follows that happiness has an expiry date.It won't last as long as its shadow lasts in our minds.So it is foolish to try to be happy all the time. The wisest thing to do is to let happiness stay for its stipulated time and not demand any permanence.It is not the let it go stuff you hear as words of consolation.As a matter of fact, how much ever hard you may try it will go ,everything will go and you will know.

My definiton of boredom is simply what else. Through effort or by sheer luck or by blessings,we accumulate a lot things and thoughts,which pile up and form a stock.The inertia of thought creates the demand for its continuity and suddenly we want all that we have plus something else.It is this demand for a constant flow variable that makes what we have insufficient.This self-sufficient momentum is unstoppable and keeps us busy in the vicious circle.

I hear a lot of things that one can do in life-often told with an assumption that life itself is a gift and shouldn't be wasted.But ultimately,in return for all the thoughts and actions spent, I always get back boredom.It is always in the vicinity, ready to rush in, be it during hangovers of happiness or in the echoes of relief.One step further, if I may generalize, boredom will squeeze in to fill the vacumm created by dull, monotonous and plateaued state of anything.Only on account of being engaged in day to day activities is boredom  stopped from revealing itself completely.But when it does, there is a furious demand to evade it.Any alternative within our conscience will do.Most of the times, the boundaries of our conscience are streched, resulting in eiher discoveries or disasters.

On the otherhand, when I am in pain, I do whatever it takes to relieve myself from it, only to be thrown to boredom eventually.The reaction to pain is automatic.It is a reflex action.A solution is arrived at almost instantaneously, irrespective of the number of options available.Pain, like boredom is a natural consequence of  living.Pain makes us do both unimaginable and unspeakable things.I think pain has a positive note to it because,for many people the pain of losing itself created a value for winning.Though it is a psychological trap, there is nothing much we can do.The more the pain, the more the relief.

When we swing from pain to boredom, the wind of feeling we get at the center is called relief.But when we swing from boredom to pain, the same feeling is called happiness. Both words overlap in meaning and are interchanged in usage quite often.It hardly matters.A good example for the former would be of a man who gained sustainable wealth following years of extreme financial hardships.The result of his effort appears invaluable to him.There is nothing like achievement to him.But In time, the feeling will go and only the impressions remain.He will get bored and tired of his accumulated wealth.He is again in the pursuit of the same feeling, and his journey is perennial as he runs into pain of a different kind.As for the latter, an apt instance would be that of a well off man whose  loneliness( another word for boredom) is filled by the woman he loves.We all know how happy he is when he says he has found the meaning of his life.Of course, he has.When we can't find any solution to our problem, the solution we bump into seems to be the only solution.This man, too will be fed to pain when the woman leaves, and so his pursuit for relief or peace or whatever they call it ,continues.

By observation,we may be tempted to conclude that boredom is better than pain. People who are in pain may look down upon people who are unable to deal with boredom.On the platform of suffering,people in pain seem to be superior to those who are bored.However, I do not have enough experience to opine on that.I can only try to mentally separate them.Pain-to me-seems like having nothing. Boredom, altogether is the feeling of having nothing. Which is more agonizing is left to individual perception.