Thursday, September 2, 2010

We, the students-II

We all aim for things in the first year;dream of them in the 2nd;wonder about them in the 3rd; forget them in the final,and start something entirely different(Exceptions exist and exceptional people are not considered as a case in point here).Well, most of us join engineering unknowingly or perhaps, 'cause the neighbour's son was a Btech grad and is now an earnest expatriate in some corner of the world, earning millions and making India proud.Or may be because engineering sounds cool,or because the topper friend insisted on doing hell with the reasons anyway.Forget the 3 years, the culmination of this journey seems to be something we’re sure of botching up.It’s a limbo between everything and nothing-Like a Gowariker's movie has just hit the sets.

My friend once said,"Undergraduate education is a fraud.You are just shown how mean life can be before you embark on the real journey.Figuratively,a trailer of life is being shown and you start guessing the plot right away.When the time has come,there is one passenger,many vehicles and a multitude of destinations.Fascinated with the fictitious world behind every decision you might take,you are afraid too,for it might probably turn out to be a nightmare.So,whichever path you choose,the itching feeling of abandoning the other one remains."Well, I love to think so.

We can no longer stand the "I know what you did last summer" look the interviewer gives while perusing the resumes.We are tired of the trite lectures;sick of the silly grades ,and cloyed with the interminable squabbling that is done for extra marks. It’s unbelievable that we were being trained to hate the very thing we learned.If I ever run into the chap who introduced laboratory formalities(dress code,writing the same shit two times and FUCK what not),I would switch his place with the sole survivor of a disaster called Mental Krishna.Interestingly,had there been Oscars in India, I would dedicate them to my classmates and lab in- charges,for the former claim to get the right observations while the latter scrupulously verify them.Both be damned because the equipments have been screwed up since ET

We are irrevocably changed.The experiences we've had so far forces us to point finger at the system.Fists are shaken at the quality of education and heads are repeatedly banged against the walls as we look into the lifeless faces of the Lecturers.Things like these insidiously kill the engineers in us and mark the genesis of CAT asses and GRE bums.If we are clairvoyant enough to predict the imminent failure, it becomes incumbent that we should crack an interview and get a job no matter what!

What do we care about the system anyway?

Why should we give an antelope’s ass about the uninteresting classrooms and unfunny jokes cracked there?

How on earth must we be concerned about the way things are done?

Will never think of them probably.

One bloody job and that’s gonna solve the problem.Desperation would be a good fitting word.We wanna look into the eyes of those who’ve always took a dubious stance on our future( thanks to 3 drowning years of B tech life) and give them the briefest nod of relief.We don’t want to be robbed of the most precious thing we entered the campus with.Well,get a job;get your ass kicked;treat your friends;sit back and relax-is what we wanna do.We dont’want no future studies.Happiness at the moment is what we covet for.Fuck the future.Why should we be so optimistic about future in this awfully unfair world where a celebrity's comment dwarfs the death of a soldier ?
We are directionless,senseless,stupid,naive and whatever!

We are students.