Friday, January 15, 2010

jai telangana-2

'Which channel is it?' Su asked.
'Tv 9" said a tembling voice.It was saurav.
The state having most number of news channels in India is Andhra pradesh...wait a second....( telangana or samaikhyandhra?).Anything and everything, they  present every ounce of news in such a dramatic way that it would look like a short movie. Perhaps their movies are called news, like a filmmaker said.Yes, they can be called entertainment channels too.They are simliar to the all-in ones which are considered to be the Geetha, Kuran and Bible of engineering sciences.Since september, it had been a festive season for the media.TRPs were at the pinnacle.

Now, how on earth were we supposed to not appear on Tv if we were at the center of what seemed to be a complete chaos.I started to imagine...If the momentum of the crowd picked up enough to piss the cops off then we would be behind the bars almost naked with our clothes stuffed under our folded arms  pleading forgiveness.NOOO!! dreaming with your eyes open is too dangerous.

' Oh no'  Saurav started to panic.
'wats it?' Vinay spoke though barely audible in the melee.
' Normal people worship God every morning they wake up, but my dad worships Tv 9. I am dead if he watches me in this joker outfit.' Saurav acknowledged.
'Its okay. We wont be caught in the video because the media will only focus on the harcore activists, we will saty behind and slowly slip away'. said Vinay.
'I dont think so Vinay'  Su said.
'Lets get the hell outta here' saurav screamed.
' Like they are going to allow us' interjected Vj jerking his head towards the crowd.
'Whether we stay ahead or behind, we badly dont want to be a part of this' I said.
'Wat do we do now?  Arun,the last person to speak, asked.
Everyone turned to him.
'SHUT UP' they screamed.

The cops and the media vehicles grappled to make their way as they squeezed between other vehicles finally stopping a few convincing metres away from us.

'I have a brilliant idea' Vinay proposed.

to be continued....

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jai telangana-1

If you ask a whining school boy what his dream is, he would definitely say" I want everyday to be a holiday or (sunday)".Well, his dream almost came true as we witnessed regular bandhs in the city and throughout the state for reasons we are aware of.Most of the NITW ians sat at home sincerely watching TV channels.God knows what went into their heads because when they came back after the vacation, something really stupid happened( I will write about it later)

Barring all the good & bad that happened along with the political drama,there was a certain aspect of this movement that went unnoticed.It was humor.Yes, there is a lighter side of everything....believe it!

It was new year...12:00 AM
There was a group of 6 people standing on the pavement lined along the nh-7 highway.Unfortunately,I was one of them.We stopped every n-wheeler which was passing by and wished   a happy new year  to whomever the hell was travelling on it.To our surprise everyone returned the wishes but all were hasty wishes. Most of them wanted to get rid of us as soon as possible.6 guys on new year's eve on the main road...It was enough for any family man in India to guess that they posed a threat.It was an unavoidable misconception.Poor fellas! Especially those who came with their families.I cannot forget the thanks they said, it was the ugliset thanks I've ever heard.I can understand that though.

 We came across a typical hyderabadi triplet who were racing their way on a bike.If not for the tyres, we couldnt have seen the bike.Their asses were too big for the poor bike. On seeing us, they slowed down a bit from a distance and stopped.
'happy new year'
'nutana varsha subhakanshalu'
' naye saal ki badhayi ho'
we all started .
The chap who was driving beamed at us and siganlled to stop.
' new year? what new year? first jai telangana then only new year' he said.
"oooh" I thought and started wondering.We exchanged embarsssed looks.It was my friend Vj who cleared the momentary communication gap before shouting " jai telangana for uncles"
"yeah, jai telangana"(in chorus) we joined... I mean we had to.

We shook hands and embraced each other.The triplets left.When they were a few feet away,one of my revolutionary friends screamed at them" jai samaikhyandra you jerks!". We were 6 and they were 3, it was easy to comprehend that we had the upper hand.Hence the triplets took a wise decision of ignoring us and diappeared into the dark.We were in hyderabad or to be precise, in telangana. Jai telangana  had to work here.And so we all decided to shed the new year wishes and commence  Jai telangana  and surprisingly it worked.We met many students in the process and they seemed very much excited( of course, they were drunk).

Minutes passes and so did dozens of vehicles.And then entered the problem.A truck filled with  about 20 hardcore telangana fans.They were so impressed with our love for telangana that all of them got down and rushed to us.Moments later I was staring back into my friend's face.His forhead was covered with a pink ribbon and a big tilak was registered between his eyebrows.His uncertain expression with shrugged shoulders reminded me of the goats which are sacrificed in hindu rituals.Yes, the awful lot of us were telangana activists now.Damn! We never had any opinion on the telangana issue.We were the so called neutrals.And morover, we did'nt want any trouble.But,those 20 guys were dancing around us.One of them said 'you are like our children, you are the future of telangana, we must get freedom! jai telangana! jai jai telangana!'

Su, one of my friends started laughing.'whats wrong with you? why are you laughing?' Vj asked
' I am laughing for the last time in my life because if my dad finds out about this I am sure he'll  make sure I wont laugh again' he continued laughing.'he's gone mad' Vj sighed.
'what do we do now?, how do we get out?' I asked seeing the crowd around us getting denser.
'Do not worry, its just for a few minutes, they will leave us' Vj said.

Apparently, we were becoming the cynosure of the crowd.2 more trucks came in.If the first truck was a trailer the next two were 3-D movies.Trepidation began in the head finally culminating as perspiration on our foreheads.Finally the crowd was dense enough to create havoc and tension.The road was packed and there was no way even a bicycle could squeeze through the crowd.

And then came the siren.The cops were coming.Behind the cops came the people we dreaded more than anyone else....the media....

To be continued......