Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Minutes passed,it seemed like they were waiting for a rainfall in the midst of a desert . Mahesh was carefully examining his goggles which were in Vijay's hands earlier.
Vijay gave him a "what did i do?" look.He exclaimed" why are you so jealous? i have my own goggles, i happened 2 loose them unfortunately". "Really?" remarked Mahesh.
Time to change the topic, decided Vijay.

"what do you think? why isnt he coming?" quesioned Vijay
"call him you fool, cell phone is not only for taking snaps of girls, got it? now call that bastard and ask him to hurry, damn him! its only a few minutes walk from the hostel" grumbled Mahesh." and fewer minutes from the girls hostel"added Vijay.
Mahesh grabbed Vijay's cell , before he could make a call to Slevin, something happened which triggered a fight between the two idiots.

An incoming call from a girl,her contact pic was displayed. The cell was vibrating in Mahesh's hands, he knew this girl very well, infact he knew her since he was 5, it was his sister.
" i..i...i can explain" started Vijay seeing the look on Mahesh's face.
" shut the f**k up! you cheat! i cant believe this,how did my sister even care to notice you" yelled Mahesh.

After a long pause, Vijay said" i think when she first saw me, she was impressesd with those " he pointed towards Mahesh's goggles. " hey chill man!, we are just friends" Vijay tried to console.

It was seconds before the sound of a speeding bike grabbed their attention. they turned around to see slevin coming on a bike." where the hell did he managed to get a bike?, may be we should go triples" murmered Vijay. " u dumbhead" uttered Mahesh" watch properly".

As Slevin got nearer, Vijay was shocked to see a pretty girl sitting on the back. it was the same girl he tried to impress earlier." do you notice something?" asked Mahesh." i notice evrything" yelled Vijay." calm down, dude, i dont think your goggles are lost".

"What", Vijay watched Slevin pass through the gate not even giving them the slightest look and then he saw, the goggles Slevin had put on, they were his"
he got so angry that he picked up a stone nearby and threw at them, fortunately for Slevin it missed but unfortunately for Vijay, it hit a man coming in the opposite direction right in the face.

Mahesh ran towards the man for help, but Vijay started running in the opposite direction because that man was his professor.!

Monday, June 8, 2009


The names of the characters below are of 3f my gud friends. they are completely different from the characters in this timepass story. i used thier names because i couldnt think of any.

That day ,Vijay and Mahesh were standing right outside the college gate. Both of them were so thin that they could hide behind electric poles and still not be seen by anyone. infact vijay had recently started dieting because he felt he was a few pounds more than mahesh. seeing them people always wondered if they wore clothes or the clothes wore them.

Yet here they stood in front of the college gate, waiting to meet an important person. At regular intervals, they would stare at the girls going through the gate. The watchman had already given them some furious glances but" lite" was their keyword. They would'nt give a damn!.girls on the other hand, most of them didnt mind being stared at like that.However, the watchmen knew vijay and mahesh very well and had already concluded these two were sure to become their successors.

Vijay and Mahesh were starting to get furious, immediately Vijay took out his cell and called Slevin, the guy they were waiting for.
" hey where are u, u u u...." the slang was coming out when he saw a pretty girl passing by , she was grinning . vijay quickly hung up the phone, put on his sun glasses and gave the best pose he could, but the girl was walking away, luckily she turned back and watched Vijay witha raised eyebrows..." the goggles,they are mine" shouted Mahesh. she gave both of them a disgusting look and went away,never turning back.

"why you?" Vijay's cell was ringing!
" disz Slevin, where the hell have you been?, im walkin towards the gate, be there, alright?"
"i am at the gate, hey wait i think i saw you! oops! no, it was a dog, hurry up you bastard, "
"alright" said Slevin and hung up.