Tuesday, December 15, 2009

1 new message

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Bittersweet memories...

In the winter of 1998,I said goodbye to all my friends who waved back at me as I disappeared into our old ambassador.With my head popped out of the car window, I still fixed my gaze at the diminishing outlines of my friends,my first ever group of friends who introduced me to cricket,friends who taught me to run when there was trouble,friends whose presence made my every birthday a joy spree,friends in whose company I had become the cynosure of the street's eyes.....friends who made my childhood very special.Yet it did not dawn on me that it would be that last time I'd be seeing half of them.The lanes of Oaklipuram in Bengaluru run through my mind as they create a nostalgic feeling when I think of my bachpan.

I remember them....

I remember them......

Whenever I dream of paying a visit there,I have always picturised myself returning with a feeling....a feeling of immense satisfaction.But I rather carried a different feeling in my mind when I was at the exit of Oaklipuram a week ago.The more I think of it, the more the feeling occupies my mind space.
Everything had changed.My home was destroyed and as its replacement stood a taller building with withered paint and noticable water leaking spots.Apparently, the building was sobbing.There werent many friends left who stayed there.I managed to meet one only to discover that he too was ignorant of where the others were.
" Time flew fast man!Some shifted to mumbai,some to chennai,one left the country" he said."But, I am not in touch with them" he added.

Rambo,the only non-homo sapien of our gang had been an "all-bark-no-bite" dog which had a unique reputation among other street dogs.The lengthened silence throughout my presence made me comprehend that Rambo was no more.There was no need to ask my friend too.Some things are best understood in silence which is sometimes the best form of communication..
Old John uncle had always been kind to us.Sipping his evening tea,he used to relax in his easy chair during the evenings and watch us play cricket.Sometimes he even joined us posing himself as the umpire.
Well, that was old John uncle and now he was older,stopped talking,spent most of the time on bed and was gradually losing his memory.

That was enough....I spent some time drifting across the old lanes trying to recollect things.It was time to leave and I knew I wasn't leaving with what i thought I would be.Today as I sit back and think,I realise that all the good things happening to you now are past in the future.The past which you can never recreate ever again.Worse or hopefully better, but you cannot live the created past with the same feeling as you lived the original past.If I ever believed in a God, I'd say TIME IS GOD.

P.S 1)If what I realised is an obvious thing then :P
       2)This is what I felt( It may not be true or universally applicable)....as they say.."there are always 3 versions of the truth...your version, my version and the actual version"

Monday, October 19, 2009

The beach

It was dark.Moonlight was of little help.The two boys made themselves comfortable in the cold sand of the beach.The sea waves were kind enough to not scare them.The two witty boys were the closest pals.They would spend hours in the sand playing during the night.Not a single audacious attempt to get near the sea during the night for a slightly magnified image of it would inundate their minds with fear.Such was the power of the dark.But,their grey cells knew that the beach and the sea were inseparable....and so were they.

Unknowingly they lived within each other.A sweet scent of friendship filled the medium around them.Many visited the beach everyday but none would take a second look at the two spread across the beach selling hats in the melee.By night, they would dump the hatsacks in the godown nearby,grab some food and rush to the beach.At times when the owner snatched huge part of their collection,they would share the meal.Innocence covered their flamboyant faces.Apparently,they would exchange satisfied looks after every meal.

Noon was the time when they would study people and their attires.Sun glasses were always an attraction....Their tired looks screamed of hunger.Their dried throats reflected an unquenched thirst

On a similar noon,Both were watching over a game of beach ball with the huge bundle of unsold hats with them.
One of them started"I like this game Ryan"
"Me too, but we don't have a ball like that" admitted Ryan."May be we can never have" he sighed and turned his gaze towards the pile that sat between them.

It was a huge cry of exclamation that abruptly ended the conversation.The ball had been hit in the wrong direction and now it was on the way to get a peck from the waves.
"I'l go get it" Ryan's friend jumped and ran towards the ball even before anyone one of the beachball chaps started to make a move.With his mouth half open Ryan started to hesitate but could already see his friend running halfway.

The ball would not stop.It raced up to the waves.The boy behind would only look at the ball which was now being hugged by the wavesThe ball slid deeper and deeper...but the boy wouldn't stop.

There were silent spectators watching this until an old lady started screaming when she saw a kid disappearing behind the waves.A few people rushed to the water.There was a sudden rise in the tone of a small yet cheerful crowd which now started to panic.

Ryan had been watching.The time taken for him to react was too expensive........

24 years later

A middle aged man was standing on the beach, his hand clasped with a tiny one.A lady sat behind them.It was almost sunset.
"Its time Ryan,we must leave" his wife spoke from behind.He nodded and smiled at his daughter who stared back into the watery eyes.

P S It was no one's mistake..

Friday, August 28, 2009

Murders in the rain

It was raining.......like hell. Sometimes when you wish for a slice of bread ,you might get a pie of cake.Sometimes when you pray for a holiday, you might well be gifted with a long vacation.Though partially irrelevant, the similarity holds true because a few hours ago the midday Sun was shining brightly. With a severe intensity, the arrogant rays had been hitting everything that stood in their path.It was then that people made a seemingly improbable wish.....A small drizzle.And now, it was raining like the last rain on the face of earth as if some damn guy was squeezing out all the dark clouds up there.

I stood impatiently under a tree.Realizing that I was packed with half a dozen people around me,I turned my gaze above towards the innumerable branches through which tiny drops of water sped and splashed on my face.Instincts told me the rain would never stop, so i made a move before being finally thrown out of the crowd."Damn you people!" I thought.No Raincoat, not even a bloody cap.The road was alone.I decided to be its companion and as i walked i discovered that the water drops were not timidly falling but were fiercely attacking.In seconds I was soaked completely.Moments later I discovered a two wheeler heading towards me.Unlike the other vehicles that sped past me, this one was rather coming slowly.When it came closer i realized it was a young girl.Her drenched look and dejected face told me she didn't like the rain.Had I given "high-five" to her, she would have a reason to cheer up because I too hated the rain.

50 yards away a man started walking.He reached for the breast pocket of his raincoat, pulled out a cell phone and sent a text message.A White cold hand rubbed against his jeans pocket.Having felt the presence of a revolver he gave a faint smile and continued walking.
A cell phone secretly vibrated somewhere.It was flipped open by a man who was sipping hot tea in a cafe.He had been staring at a boy who was loitering alone on the road.The boy was saturated;his clothes had imbibed galleons of water and particularly nothing to keep at least one part of his body dry.The man slid back his phone, finished his tea and paid the bill.He then headed towards the road in the direction of the boy with a loaded pistol which hid somewhere in his dense outfit.

I could feel the presence of increasing pedestrians now.The girl had gone.I had started to shiver and badly needed a smoke.But I wasn't left with any money.I casually turned around and noticed nothing but water flowing across every dimension of the road.I shook my head and continued walking.

Three people headed in the same direction.It happened all of a sudden.Two gunshots were heard.2 people were found dead.

Two sharp sounds heavier than the sound of the rain made me turn around to see two lifeless bodies spreadeagled on the ground.I looked at the blood soaked water that was flowing past my shoes.Then I did something which I believe is the greatest thing I ever did.I ran away.

Within minutes the police came to the scene of crime and finished the formalities.In the investigation that followed they discovered the truth.And as they were being interviewed by the media,the head of investigation said "The two men are professional hired killers who were reportedly hired to kill themselves.Unfortunately both of them died on the spot.We have checked the cell phones of these killers and will soon reveal who hired them.It is sad that we don't have any witness" he concluded.

I was patting my back when he concluded."What would he do even if he got a witness? both of them bloody killed each other" I laughed at myself.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


13 years ago,in my primary school when my world was only limited to demo versions of whatever i was exposed to, there was one feeling which set foot in my mind quite often.Like most of the feelings,I did'nt have control over its trips into my mind.There was a girl whom i'd see everyday(ofcourse,she was in my class).With my childish mentality,I would talk to her everyday.She did not mind talking and playing with me because no boy or girl would'nt have acquired the sense to avoid children of their own age unless there are some petty fights between them( like fighting for pencil,eraser etc).

On a small scale, She made me feel how a girl's company would be like, for my little brain.And those impressions have laid the foundation of my idea of how a girl should be.
"How did she look like?" well, had you asked me this question then, I would have said
"she is as white as a hare".If you dare to ask me now, I would say "she was the prettiest girl I ever saw".A couple of years later,I came to know what all I said about her could be summed up in 1 word as CRUSH.I'd rather say,it would be better if she was described as FIRST CRUSH.

Two years later....

"There is no ice cream here anirudh!" my mother was screaming at me as i stood in front of her, my hands folded and head bent down with raise eyebrows which were partially visible as strands of hair concealed them.I was looking at her in the same way as shoaib gazes at tendulkar for smashing his 160kmph ball out of the stadium.We were in a super market and here I was, making a big fuss about an icecream.There really was no ice cream but I was trying to refute her statement with my stubborn pretense.

Then I felt a cold touch on my shoulder.I turned back and looked directly into the beaming eyes of a girl.She was taller than me, damn! Trusting my cognizance, I inferred she was elder to me.Without talking , she paced up and down on her toes for a moment.Its difficult to erase her gesture from my mind.She offered a chocobar to me and winked at my mother who strangely smiled in return.In my attempt to reach for the bar,I touched her hand as the little wrapped icecream slid between our palms finally falling in my grip.Within seconds I saw her image before me diminishing as she walked away never turning back.I do not wish to describe her appearance then but I very well know how she looks like now.Infact everyone who watched Jaane tu ya jaane na must be knowing beacause she is......Aditi .....

Saturday, August 22, 2009


An uncomfortable silence filled the room.

"Instead of acting cool, why don't you explain what you just said?" Avi asked
"I mean to say I know what actually confuses me so I am confident of the culprits which create ripples in the peaceful lake of my mind.If you think too much you'll just be dropping more stones in the lake.If you stay calm the ripples will vanish."Rex ended.
"Nice philosophy at the wrong time. Is that why you are watching the movie? " asked Avi.
Rex nodded with closed eyes.He said " I think I increased your confusion".

"No" Avi snapped." Its simple, you are giving up"
"yes, so?"
"you are not determined".
" yes, I am wise".
"you must be ashamed"Avi grunted
"What for? I haven't studied for the entire semester and I don't wanna bang my mind the entire night.I do not know the score board but I will write the names of batsmen and bowlers I know.If at all I felt like you I should have felt the same way throughout the semester.But i didn't.And i do not wish to feel remorse now.If you know the damn thing which makes you feel and see it with logic, you will no longer feel it, got it?".

"I think i made a mistake coming to your room" Avi thought."I have a gun and want to kill myself but the problem is that it's unloaded.Damn Rex! you took away the bullets."
"What if you fail?" asked Avi.
"I will fail" replied Rex and smiled.
Well, the movie was over and Avi expected Rex to switch off the computer and throw himself on the bed.
"Didya watch final destination-2?" Rex asked.
" I am leaving, Bye" Avi left Rex's room.

Minutes later Avi was sitting quietly on his chair, his looks oscillated between the pillow on the bed and the book on the table.He was lost.
The End...

PS: This is how a fickle mind works,always confused.A mind whose operations can be modified through other minds.Just like a dried leaf in a strong wind.Like a piece of wood drifting along the river with the stream.


Avi sank into the chair with a low sigh.He looked up at the decent pile of books that stood on the table in front of him.Staring at them for a few seconds, he turned his gaze towards his watch.It was 12:05 AM.He imagined himself being in the same state of mind after 8 hours when he would be skimming through the question paper.

"Perhaps I wont even understand the question"he thought and whistled nervously fooling himself.Then he thought of his father who lived with the concept of "patience is a virtue"which made him forgive his son
every time he screwed an exam.Avi had been climbing the ladder of embarrassment for two years and badly wanted to get down this time but it was too late.The hostel life had ruined him.How could he show his face to the most patient father in this world.

Someone knocked at the door.
"Opportunity knocks at your door only once"he thought but
didn't know why this quote creeped into his mind in such a situation.
The slight knock accelerated to become a series of banging sounds with instantaneous gaps.
"Bad luck keeps on knocking till you open the door"he changed his perception and cursed himself before getting up and strolling towards the door.

He opened to see Rex, his friend smiling
awkwardly at him.He was in his shorts and unsurprisingly shirtless.A long book hung between the tips of his fingers.His hair untidy.Absolutely not a face one would like to watch in this hour. " I was wondering if you could tell me the syllabus"Rex asked . "No, get lost, do not disturb me" Avi almost screamed and shut the door.He hurried towards his study table and took out the largest book from the pile and started reading......Reading what? he only knew. It was again at 3:00AM that he looked at his watch with heavy eyes which were soaked in tiredness. Nobody had knocked at the door since midnight.His mind was doped with formulae. "I deserve a break" he thought and left his room into the corridor.

The corridor was lined with rooms.With hands stuffed into his shorts he walked humming his favourite tune and occasionally gazing at the closed doors.In the lightly lit corridor he could see a dominant glow of light that scattered on the corridor floor.The light which came from an opened door, room no.2428.Half smiling he paced his speed and seconds later he found himself leaning against the door of 2428 and staring at Rex who was sipping tea on his chair and watching "The final destination". Rex winked at him.After a while both of them laughed at each other.

"sorry about that" snapped Avi as he began to walk towards Rex. "cut it, can i say you finished studying?" asked rex. " I don't know, I've read the book like a newspaper.Its like I know that India has won against Pakistan, but in the exam they are going to ask to spit out the scoreboard anyway" said Avi. " A bitter truth" exclaimed Rex and added" can we talk of something else?". Avi turned his attention towards the movie. "why dont you have some tea?" Rex added and threw the flask at Avi who grabbed it carefully with his fingers. " Fool! you won't feel hot when you are holding a tea flask"Rex laughed.Avi started scratching his head. "can you feel the confused state your mind is in?"Rex muttered. "whatever" said Avi and added" why are you awake? i don't think you have started reading" seeing the empty table and the soft matrice that seemed as if it was melting into the cot. Rex shrugged.

"Damn you man!" you are a step ahead of me when it comes to confusion. "yeah" Rex smiled as he said "I am a confident confused guy".....................
to be continued.....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

special days!!!

It was at 6 in the morning when a sudden sound of vibration reached my ears and dragged me out of a world of dreams to a world of rules.I saw my cell phone moving awkwardly on the table,it was due to the vibrations.I always cursed myself for keeping it in that particular mode.I lazily picked it up and read the message that disturbed my sleep only to find that it was a monotonous forwarded message exept that it ended with "Happy friendship day".

"Oh, is it?" I thought and went back to sleep.When i woke up at 9, i found 4 more similar messages.Some even cared to call and wish.I never wished anybody a "Happy friendship day".
Because i never believed in the so called special days be it Fathers day or Mothers day.
Yes, i know all these days are dedicated to some person/s and it is like celebrating the birthday of all mothers, fathers and friends on the same day.But I never get the concept right.I wish my parents though.... because THEY believe and if a small gesture could make them happy then why not? but their happiness is not centered at my greetings, i know that.

Half of my friends cursed me for not wishing them "A happy friendship day".When i spoke of my view, some misunderstood and went to the extent of saying i didn't believe in friendship.When i asked them about their special deed for the occasion most of them couldn't cross greeting cards, messages,gifts and of course beer,vodka,whiskey.If a friend helps you in the right hour on a very bad day of yours(if at all you feel so) without expecting anything but a selfish satisfaction,then you can proudly say that bad day was"YOUR" friendship day.It is miles away from feeling bad if someone hasn't wished you.I think it would be confusing if i elaborated my point.

If there are so many days dedicated to the people who play an important role in our lives,why isn't a day dedicated to ourselves.A day when we see ourselves in the mirror and picturize the flawless human being in us.A day when we do anything we wish to.A day when we do complete justice to ourselves without compromising with the need of others.
"Everyday is your day, it is the artistic ability with which you design it"

So, every day is friendship day.
Everyday is a mother's day.
Every day is a father's day.
Everyday is everyone's day.

Friday, July 24, 2009


It takes a good 9 months for a baby to take the first breath in this outside world after struggling in the isolated womb. In better words, the process of getting into this world is cumbersome and slow.(Of course, without this period there wouldn't be any meaning to the word "motherhood").But, it is possible to get the hell out of this world in the fraction of a second. Why is it like that? shouldn't it be symmetrical? Well, i really want to know .But subconsciously,i convince myself that its a useless doubt and end up shrugging.
countless, i daresay are invariably thrown out of this world every second.If you were standing at the exit door of life and watching every person coming by, it would undoubtedly be astonishing to see a sea of faces displaying looks of all ranges . Similar to the exit of a movie theatre where the audience come out with mixed expressions.
Blank faces dominate the whole bunch of the departed.I mean to say most of them might not have even realized their death.So, The main point is impeccable,narrowed and sharp;Death is uncertain.Barack Obama,Sonia Gandhi and my neighbour....all are bloody ignorant of the time of their deaths. So am I.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


"Either you believe in right or you believe in wrong.To hell with whatever you believe, but if at all you are in the middle, take it for granted that you are in deep hell.
I often hear people say " it was a bad day, nothing good happened to me, bad luck at its peak !".
Things that happen to you are the consequences of the decisions you take.Life is full of surprises so who knows which decision is right.There is nothing like bad luck,at least thats what i feel about it.

It was a pleasant evening. Me and my friend were walking on the road when he abruptly interrupted our conversation and said "Do you know that the world is going to end by 2011"?
"So"? i asked.
" somewhere deep in my mind i secretly want to believe it and also feel weird while studying thinking what use it is going to be, the world is going to end anyway" he said.
"okay" i said
" What do you think?" he asked
" I don't think anything"
"but why?"
" Because if i get hit by a truck right now and die, i would be least bothered about the world in 2011 and if i stay alive i will either do something to save the world or mind my own business and I'm pretty sure of myself for opting the latter " i said
" Don't give the so called cool answers you dumb head" my friend muttered.
"okay so what do you want me to think?"
"nothing, leave it" my friend sighed.
needless to say,he got pissed off with me.

We often witness a war of words between atheists and believers in God.I dunno under what circumstances the arguments ignite but its a pure waste of time.Any kind of argument is a waste in disguise.You "believe" or "do not believe",it is up to you which depends on various factors which i am unaware of.Go with whatever you chose, but why go shouting out loud and imposing your beliefs on others?....its one of the routes to arguments.

At the end of the day, the time between lying awake and falling asleep must be the most satisfying period when you can secretly praise yourself for doing what you always loved to do.

I could'nt help but end this with a magnanimous piece of Ayn rand's thoughts.

"Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps down new roads armed with nothing but their own vision. Their goals differed, but they all had this in common: that the step was first, the road new, the vision unborrowed, and the response they received--hatred. The great creators--the thinkers, the artists, the scientists, the inventors--stood alone against the men of their time. Every great new thought was opposed. Every great new invention was denounced. The first motor was considered foolish. The first airplane was considered impossible. The power loom was considered vicious. Anesthesia was considered sinful. But the men of unborrowed vision went ahead. They fought, they suffered and they paid. But they won."

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mom, Dad... i flunked again!

Recently, one of my friends happened to get his semester results.He got a decent 6.45 GPA.Yeah it was bloody decent." A real number between 1 and 10 cannot decide how good you are" was his policy.Exploring deep into the policy, he ended up flunking 2 subjects in the last semester which made his dad scream and mom faint.But, this time the ball was in his court.He managed to clear all subjects but did not utter a word about it to his 'calm' dad and 'conscious' mom.

He badly wanted to make good memory of it.When he was 3 hrs away from his home on the way back, he called up his dad.
" Hello!" his dad spoke.
" Dad, i am sorry! i flunked another 2 subjects"
There was a long pause before his dad said " its okay! work hard the next time, pay some attentionat least now".
"Damn! i could have relaxed a bit if i knew this overwhelming positive reaction" he thought as memories of sleepless nights before exams flashed in his mind.

"Dad, i was kidding.I made it this time, buy me a laptop at least now, will you?".Dad had changed, he could feel it.
He was expecting a calm reply when a huge cry made his ears numb for a second.
" you fool, do not play such pranks and multiply my tension.Anyway, good job but no laptop."
" Pass or fail, dad screams anyway" he sighed.
" okay, but i haven't told mom about this".He added
" Inform her, she was expecting you to get debarred this time" his father admitted.
" No I am gonna tell her the same thing i told you first and i expect this to be only between us.When you go home, try to console mom.Do we understand each other dad?"
"ahem ahem okay" his dad hung up.

It was 5 mins later his mom picked up the phone and heard a sweet voice say
" Mom i made it this time, cleared all subjects and got a smart 6.45"
It took a few seconds for her to digest this fact.
"Oh god! you answered my prayers, my son is back on track. congrats sonny, i am very happy." his mom exclaimed and took a deep breath of relief. Looking at the cooking items spread on the kitchen floor she added " you better be at home for dinner, i will be waiting"
" i love you mom" he screamed with anxiety which made quite a few heads turn in the bus he was travelling in.
" Did you tell dad? "
"yes" he interrupted. " I spoke to him and made it clear that i flunked again"
His mom laughed and said" why do you always trouble him like that?"
He ignored the question and said
" please let this be a secret and do your best to cool dad when he comes home" he finished
"Yes, he will be back anytime, " his mom said as she found herself hastily cutting the vegetables with the reciever stuck between her ear and the slightly raised shoulder.

It was only when the doorbell struck that his mom hung up and headed towards the hall ready to console her husband who was waiting impatiently on the other side of the door thinking of words to calm down her. He decided to knock but his hand was already heading towards the bell as it always did.

2 hours later my friend was having a silent dinner with his parents when i broke in unaware of the drama going on.It was an uncomfortable silence.Both of his parents were muttering something to each other while i could see my friend sitting right opposite to him.
His parents gave a faint smile looking at me while he was grinning.
Somethings can never be controlled, like my tongue as the words"hey, heard the news, it is really great that you cleared all subjects this time" slipped out of my mouth.

His parents gave me a surprising look followed by some confusing stares at each other before finally portraying convincing looks on their faces. They turned towards my friend and smiled with narrowed eyebrows before before laughing out loud at each other sarcastingly praising their acting skills.My friend joined them.

The only idiot in the dining room was me, wondering why on earth were these people laughing like hell.

Friday, July 10, 2009


The vast bushy area that lined along the national highway from Hyderabad to Mumbai commencing from almost the 305th milestone always wore a deserted look.Stopping a vehicle in this zone was the last thing any driver would do.Apart from a few carnivores and a huge flora, nothing else was expected from that place.But, tonight 3 surprise guests had set foot.

A young man was standing beside a tree.He was letting out puffs of smoke from the corner of his zipped mouth.His momentary sighs made the smoke quickly disappear into the air.A half burnt cigarette was held between his left hand fingers.He made a move towards the tree.The rustle of the fallen leaves could be heard as the man walked.With his back pressed against the bark, he looked down at his inclined legs and narrowed his eyes as bizarre thoughts filled his mind.

It was an immediate realisation that thinking was a mere waste.Instead, He turned his head sideways and watched the remaining two people.

His friend was standing a few maters away.The body of a man was standing at his foot.You needn't study 5 years of medicine to discover that air had just swallowed the last breath of the person lying there,lifeless. He died of heart failure.Both men had no intention of calling the police because the failure was caused by a bullet which punchured the heart.The tiny metal piece came bursting through a revolver which happened to be in the hands of the man nearest to the body.

Monday, July 6, 2009

help me

A man was rushing rapidly on his bike.His eyes were fixed on the road while he could feel the grip of two tiny hands around his waist." Daddy, i think we will make it in time" a little girl spoke behind him. He took a left turn and felt relieved after seeing the school gate still open. He checked his watch as the little girl got down with a heavy bag on her back.(The bag undoubtedly was as heavy as she was).It was 8:50.He gave a sigh of relief.She gave her dad a good day kiss and turned away. The man watched her daughter join the remaining dozens of kids who kept up popping out of autos and cars.Some were coming by walk.The man started the engine as the girl entered the school and drove away.

The man was just a few metres away from the school gate when he passed by a tea shop on the roadside. He might have noticed it from the corner of his eye but Little did he acknowledge the fact that a boy merely his daughter's age stood in front of it , watching the school gate and the kids going through it. In fact, he never left the sight of the them especially in this hour of the day.He used to examine their uniforms and compare with his torn shabby clothes .He couldn't help but peek at their shoes and look down at his bare feet which bore untreated injuries. He never understood what was so special about that gate. "Why were those kids going through it?Why not me?" he thought.

He walked towards a parked car nearby, examined himself in the glass window and tried to straighten his untidy hair." You rascal! what are you doing there?" he could hear his owner barking. He quickly ran into the tea shop. The thought of school never left him.Minutes later, he was supposed to serve tea for a customer when the sight a school going boy passing by the tea shop grabbed his attention. He wanted to take a closer look due to his growing inquisitive nature.Eyes widened as he fastened his pace towards the school boy unaware of not to spill out a drop from the tea glass he was holding. Undoubtedly, he ended up colliding with a customer, spilling out the tea all over his shirt. The next moment he was badly being beaten by the owner. Slap! Slap!. Every slap took his breath away.He could hear the slang that was spit on him between every interval after his cheek turned blood red with the slap.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


He examined the ticket for a while and thrust it into his jeans pocket. 5/100, he knew what it meant.
suddenly, an idea struck him. Seconds later Sam saw his friend running towards the girl.
" huh, what is he up to?" he wondered.
As he was running, Adi could hear Sam shouting " you bastard, why did you have to steal my wallet?".

It was difficult to cope up with the pace with which she was walking even in that heavy traffic. He finally managed to get beside her before trying to spit out his planned sequence of sentences.
By the time the girl noticed him, he forgot everything.

Adi ended up blocking the girl's path holding 495Rs in one hand and the ticket in the other. With a dumb face and shut mouth, he embarrassed himself.
She took a few moments to understand the situation as Adi was still trying to push out words.
Looking at Adi she quietly took the money and the ticket.She forced a smile, it barely widened her lips though.
"Thank you,I was in a hurry" she said and hinted Adi that she needed to move as he blocked her way.
"Oh i am sorry" he admitted and made way for her.
She couldn't avoid watching the bag Adi was wearing. It was a coffee coloured smart 'DIESEL' bag. Adi stood where he was, watched as she hurried along ....never turning back.Something told him not to go further. It was FATE.

Minutes later, a momentary huge sound of explosion eclipsed the traffic noise.

The next day, The girl was going through news channels on TV when she paused on a particular channel which was broadcasting " the scene after bomblast" as the newsreader said.
She watched it without a blink of an eye until the cameraman zoomed into a blood-soaked torn bag lying along with other damaged lifeless bodies spreadeagled on the road.
Her eyes were fixed on 'DIESEL' which was partially visible now.
It was a long pause before she broke down and started crying............


Monday, June 29, 2009


There are numerous type of reactions that are visible on a boy's face when he sees an attractive girl.After scrambling, only 3 reactions end up falling on a boy's face to a large extent.First, the raised eyebrow glance. Second, the open mouthed peek at her.Last but not the least, staring at her gulping down tons of air.Sam could see a slide show of all the reactions on Adi's face.

Adi was now looking at the girl from a shorter distance than before.She was in a red punjabi dress.As she walked the ponytail tied at the back of her head springed in all directions.Adi could immediately recognize that she was simple with no make up. Still, she had the so called "perfect figure". Her face carried the crux of her beauty.
isn't wearing heals, I hate girls who wear heals" Adi said in an accelerated tone." Oh yeah! then i wish she detests guys who stare at her"grunted Sam." and shut your mouth for heaven's sake," he added.
" I have started to like her" said Adi as Sam pretended not to hear it.

As she came nearer, Adi could see the perspiration on her forehead.She was biting her lips, giving quick peeks around and was walking with stiff fists and slightly raised shoulders.
" I wonder why is she so tensed" started Adi.

" May be her boyfriend ditched her" suggested Sam.Adi waited a long moment before saying" Is that a joke? ".
"Not at all, i was just wishing she had a boyfriend" said Sam.
"How unfriendly"thought Adi.

Two Hundred metres away,a small boy was relaxing himself in his father's arms.Along with a hundred passengers they were inside a bus that was stuck in the traffic.He was resting his chin on his father's shoulder and staring at an unnoticed bag under a seat nearby.The time was 7.30 PM.The bus conductor was barking at the passengers " somebody gave me a hundred for a ticket of 5 Rs, if you want the change then better come and take it for God's sake".He discovered all of them to be least bothered.
" crazy people" he murmered.

Before Adi could think of any approach,the girl sped past him.He noticed her right fist open for a moment to reveal a piece of paper dropping to the ground.It happened in the blink of an eye.
Adi ran forward and picked up tha paper, it was a bus ticket."damn! " he thought. he turned to the blank side of the paper and saw a scribbled writing which read 5/100 .

Meanwhile Sam joined him, looked at the ticket for a while and said." dude,she hasn't even given you the slightest look and you expect to get her cell no. on this stupid piece of paper?". Adi sighed

Sunday, June 21, 2009


It was 7 in the evening.Busiest time in the city.The roads were blanketed with vehicles drifting along the traffic.The deadening effects of the daily routine had already surfaced.Loud sound of horns,sight of heavy vehicles were the major part of what the people had to bear with.

On the other hand,the tarffic density was reaching the saturation level.
"Damn! how are we supposed to get out of this?" a boy exclaimed after he discovered himself trapped in this stale mate postion.

" God knows," i am glad we did'nt turn up in my car" his friend murmered.
" yeah,it makes no sense balancing you on this bike as long as we don't move an inch. now, get down!" the boy said. As his friend got down, he put on the stand. Seconds later,he found himself standing on the seat and looking at the packed vehicles ahead before saying " Oh my! this is big one, i think it'll take a long time".His friend was'nt surprised to see the other two wheeleres getting off their vehicles. Some even started to relax on the road dividers.

" I think we should make a memory of this" his friend added as he took out a digicam from his pocket and said" Adi,record this shit, will you?"
"Good idea Sam" sighed Adi.

A few seconds past his recording,Adi discovered no appreciable improvement in the traffic ."Snails are better" he said. Both decided it was going to be a long night.
" I was wondering if we could give this video to a news channel" Sam said with a mischevious smile on his face.

" This is enough, i guess" Adi said and just a second away from withdrawing his cam, He saw the outline of a girl squeezing her way between the vehicles and rushing in his direction.


Thursday, June 18, 2009


"I bet that's going for a six" I could here Saurav saying. His eyes were glued towards the ball which was soaring up towards the boundary.I was'nt surprised to see the perplexed faces of the fielding team.

The batting team had managed a miraculous chase and emerged victorious.Morover, the guy who hit the six was the man of the moment.He was a promising batsman.I would be lying if I said he was less than Tendulkar.Infact, we used to denote him by the name "Hitter".It is as silly as it sounds.He used to play everyday.We both had been watching the nail biting match since afternoon.The sun was ready to bid goodbye for that day.Both teams were commencing to leave the ground.

The ground was quite big.Infact, so big that 2 or 3 matches could be played at the same time.
Sitting on the wall and following the matches; we were accustomed to it.On a sad note, we were'nt allowed to play.We were resent about it.All those who played were aged near 20 while we had just entered teenage.

One day while watching a monotonous ongoing match, we were surprised to see Hitter( thats what we called him) strolling towards us."Why do you think he is coming?" asked saurav. I turned and saw the trepidation on his face. Before i could say anything, a voice spoke " hey guys!wanna play game of cricket?".My eyes danced with delight.
"why not?thank you very much. But dont expect us to play like you, " i admitted.
"not a problem,come on"he said.I can never forget that day.

I noticed he did'nt turn up the next day.Infact he was not seen for quite a long time.

Few years later, we were the rulers of the ground.Gone were the days of sitting on the wall and waiting for a chance.

One evening, i saw someone sitting on the same old wall and watching us play.When i got nearer i discoverd it was Hitter.He greeted with a smile and said" So you are the key player now, aren't u?".
" I am no way nearer to you, where were you all these years?" i asked. He remained silent.

" okay, forget it, let us play a game now. U will come,won't u?" I demanded with a sarcastic smile on my face.
It was a few moments before he answered " you play,i'll watch".
"No, u must play" my tone began to change.
"alright alright im coming" he said.
"thats more like it"I was pleased and excited.
I turned around and started walking towards the pitch. something made me turn back for a moment.I saw him standing with a distinguished look on his face.

He cleared his voice, reached down to his right leg and began rolling up the trousers.In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg attached to a specially designed shoe.I had'nt noticed it at all." I dont have a proper leg buddy. some drunk car driver ran over it. I can't run properly. you must not be stupefied if i ask you to be my byrunner "he said grinning.
I remained openmouthed as he spoke those words....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Minutes passed,it seemed like they were waiting for a rainfall in the midst of a desert . Mahesh was carefully examining his goggles which were in Vijay's hands earlier.
Vijay gave him a "what did i do?" look.He exclaimed" why are you so jealous? i have my own goggles, i happened 2 loose them unfortunately". "Really?" remarked Mahesh.
Time to change the topic, decided Vijay.

"what do you think? why isnt he coming?" quesioned Vijay
"call him you fool, cell phone is not only for taking snaps of girls, got it? now call that bastard and ask him to hurry, damn him! its only a few minutes walk from the hostel" grumbled Mahesh." and fewer minutes from the girls hostel"added Vijay.
Mahesh grabbed Vijay's cell , before he could make a call to Slevin, something happened which triggered a fight between the two idiots.

An incoming call from a girl,her contact pic was displayed. The cell was vibrating in Mahesh's hands, he knew this girl very well, infact he knew her since he was 5, it was his sister.
" i..i...i can explain" started Vijay seeing the look on Mahesh's face.
" shut the f**k up! you cheat! i cant believe this,how did my sister even care to notice you" yelled Mahesh.

After a long pause, Vijay said" i think when she first saw me, she was impressesd with those " he pointed towards Mahesh's goggles. " hey chill man!, we are just friends" Vijay tried to console.

It was seconds before the sound of a speeding bike grabbed their attention. they turned around to see slevin coming on a bike." where the hell did he managed to get a bike?, may be we should go triples" murmered Vijay. " u dumbhead" uttered Mahesh" watch properly".

As Slevin got nearer, Vijay was shocked to see a pretty girl sitting on the back. it was the same girl he tried to impress earlier." do you notice something?" asked Mahesh." i notice evrything" yelled Vijay." calm down, dude, i dont think your goggles are lost".

"What", Vijay watched Slevin pass through the gate not even giving them the slightest look and then he saw, the goggles Slevin had put on, they were his"
he got so angry that he picked up a stone nearby and threw at them, fortunately for Slevin it missed but unfortunately for Vijay, it hit a man coming in the opposite direction right in the face.

Mahesh ran towards the man for help, but Vijay started running in the opposite direction because that man was his professor.!

Monday, June 8, 2009


The names of the characters below are of 3f my gud friends. they are completely different from the characters in this timepass story. i used thier names because i couldnt think of any.

That day ,Vijay and Mahesh were standing right outside the college gate. Both of them were so thin that they could hide behind electric poles and still not be seen by anyone. infact vijay had recently started dieting because he felt he was a few pounds more than mahesh. seeing them people always wondered if they wore clothes or the clothes wore them.

Yet here they stood in front of the college gate, waiting to meet an important person. At regular intervals, they would stare at the girls going through the gate. The watchman had already given them some furious glances but" lite" was their keyword. They would'nt give a damn!.girls on the other hand, most of them didnt mind being stared at like that.However, the watchmen knew vijay and mahesh very well and had already concluded these two were sure to become their successors.

Vijay and Mahesh were starting to get furious, immediately Vijay took out his cell and called Slevin, the guy they were waiting for.
" hey where are u, u u u...." the slang was coming out when he saw a pretty girl passing by , she was grinning . vijay quickly hung up the phone, put on his sun glasses and gave the best pose he could, but the girl was walking away, luckily she turned back and watched Vijay witha raised eyebrows..." the goggles,they are mine" shouted Mahesh. she gave both of them a disgusting look and went away,never turning back.

"why you?" Vijay's cell was ringing!
" disz Slevin, where the hell have you been?, im walkin towards the gate, be there, alright?"
"i am at the gate, hey wait i think i saw you! oops! no, it was a dog, hurry up you bastard, "
"alright" said Slevin and hung up.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

what a story!

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service where they had been on vacation.

Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.

The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his life would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the scene.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn't hear the band he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days and weeks passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.

As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed.

it faced a blank wall..

"the second buddha of hyderabad"

There were two best friends who did their complete schooling and college together.
unfortunately they got jobs at different places.thereafter, yagami and sasuke had'nt met.while yagami stayed in hyderabad, sasuke was settled somewhere in congo. (this was in 2011)
years passed away, the hadnt even contacted each other

It so happened that sasuke who was a complete stranger to hyderabad made up his mind to visit his friend in summer.yagami was pleased to hear this!
after he set foot in the city, sasuke was eagerly waiting to see the Buddha's statue in the midst of hussain sagar.due to yagami's busy schedule that day, sasuke found himself journeying alone. it was then that dreadful thing happened!

Right in the midst of hussain sagar stood the Buddha's statue, this ofcourse wasn't strange, but the stranger thing was the sight of another statue of the same height standing right beside it. It was of a man dressed in suit and holding a sword in his right hand, weird to watch.from his childhood, he had heard only of one statue in the Hussain sagar so where on earth had this come from all of a sudden.

He stopped a man nearby and asked " excuse me, the statue beside Buddha, i have never heard of it, all my life i thought there was only one statue in the Hussain sagar, could you please tell me who the other person is"?. the man glanced at him for a moment, then scanned him from top to bottom and slapped accross his face so hard that it turned quite a few heads nearby. nobody cared though.

Back home , yagami stared into sasuke's eyes for what seemes like an eternity and spoke
" how does it feel after getting slapped by 4 people in a row?". sasuke turned pale."just kidding dude, im telling you dont ever ask that question to anybody in india , promise me, okay? or else you'll get killed probably"
"yes" muttered sasuke " but why shouldnt i ask?"
"you will know it tomorrow"!
"no" argued sasuke but yagami won in the end...

The next day it was time for sasuke to leave, so at the station he was still cursing yagami to tell the truth, but yagami didnt.
"damn u! you bastard" sasuke shouted through the window as the train started." you are not my friend, you are going to pay, you'll feel how i felt u muuafuckaaaa" ....
all of a sudden yagami started running towards sasuke and handed over him a letter and said" read it , everything you want is in it, take care bye"....
nervous and relieved, sasuke fely a sigh of relief.
he hastily opened the letter.... the train was speeding,
the letter slipped from his hands, through the window and out into the open! it was gone!