Friday, August 28, 2009

Murders in the rain

It was hell. Sometimes when you wish for a slice of bread ,you might get a pie of cake.Sometimes when you pray for a holiday, you might well be gifted with a long vacation.Though partially irrelevant, the similarity holds true because a few hours ago the midday Sun was shining brightly. With a severe intensity, the arrogant rays had been hitting everything that stood in their path.It was then that people made a seemingly improbable wish.....A small drizzle.And now, it was raining like the last rain on the face of earth as if some damn guy was squeezing out all the dark clouds up there.

I stood impatiently under a tree.Realizing that I was packed with half a dozen people around me,I turned my gaze above towards the innumerable branches through which tiny drops of water sped and splashed on my face.Instincts told me the rain would never stop, so i made a move before being finally thrown out of the crowd."Damn you people!" I thought.No Raincoat, not even a bloody cap.The road was alone.I decided to be its companion and as i walked i discovered that the water drops were not timidly falling but were fiercely attacking.In seconds I was soaked completely.Moments later I discovered a two wheeler heading towards me.Unlike the other vehicles that sped past me, this one was rather coming slowly.When it came closer i realized it was a young girl.Her drenched look and dejected face told me she didn't like the rain.Had I given "high-five" to her, she would have a reason to cheer up because I too hated the rain.

50 yards away a man started walking.He reached for the breast pocket of his raincoat, pulled out a cell phone and sent a text message.A White cold hand rubbed against his jeans pocket.Having felt the presence of a revolver he gave a faint smile and continued walking.
A cell phone secretly vibrated somewhere.It was flipped open by a man who was sipping hot tea in a cafe.He had been staring at a boy who was loitering alone on the road.The boy was saturated;his clothes had imbibed galleons of water and particularly nothing to keep at least one part of his body dry.The man slid back his phone, finished his tea and paid the bill.He then headed towards the road in the direction of the boy with a loaded pistol which hid somewhere in his dense outfit.

I could feel the presence of increasing pedestrians now.The girl had gone.I had started to shiver and badly needed a smoke.But I wasn't left with any money.I casually turned around and noticed nothing but water flowing across every dimension of the road.I shook my head and continued walking.

Three people headed in the same direction.It happened all of a sudden.Two gunshots were heard.2 people were found dead.

Two sharp sounds heavier than the sound of the rain made me turn around to see two lifeless bodies spreadeagled on the ground.I looked at the blood soaked water that was flowing past my shoes.Then I did something which I believe is the greatest thing I ever did.I ran away.

Within minutes the police came to the scene of crime and finished the formalities.In the investigation that followed they discovered the truth.And as they were being interviewed by the media,the head of investigation said "The two men are professional hired killers who were reportedly hired to kill themselves.Unfortunately both of them died on the spot.We have checked the cell phones of these killers and will soon reveal who hired them.It is sad that we don't have any witness" he concluded.

I was patting my back when he concluded."What would he do even if he got a witness? both of them bloody killed each other" I laughed at myself.

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