Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Those great friends -1

The following are excerpts of conversations/one liners/words of wisdom Ive had the privilege to share with few of my friends.It's a one sided-one para conversation.So there won't be any I in it.They are just outcomes during some crucial moments of a casual conversations.Though I'm against the concept of being influenced by anyone or anything( though Im helpless in some situations), I strongly believe that everyone has at least one friend whose spoken word has the power to trigger a volcano of thoughts in your mind.I'm lucky, for I have quite a few of them....Those great friends

Sometimes, Life suddenly replicates itself into a game of chess.You have to play it alone.The more minds you bring in, the harder you screw the game up.Forget the notion of the opponent.The opponent is just a tough situation you have to deal with.By and large,It  then becomes a sequence of interconnected decisions you take- decisions whose source must be the same mind- your mind.Imagine yourself in one crucial moment of the game.You are confused.A guy you know walking past you notices that you are playing.He accosts you or vice verse.And suddenly after observing the situation you' re in, he suggests a move, which apparently is a smart one, and walks away.You use the move and are out of a crisis situation temporarily.Good.But when another such situation pops up again, unknowingly you find yourself waiting for another passerby. Is that how you go buy in your life?

Sometimes, life tries hard to make you someone you don't wanna be.

You know what? Truth is a very tough thing to accept and digest.Once you're over it then you start living without fear and insecurity.We are all gifted with the power of choice.Very few execute it.We often know the right choice, it comes from the center-the heart.We know the wrong ones, most of which are outta fear, and they come from the periphery, from the corners and you get the feeling they are closing in on you.That's why you surrender. But God is still kind.He sends Musicians, writers and film makers to Earth to give us a glimpse of people " who lived", to show us that we can live instead of survive, we can earn instead of getting paid, we can be happy instead of being relieved.But Oh boy! No we don't, we carry on with our mundane lives and bring up the borrowed ideas of those works to suit the context of conversation at social gatherings or cocktail parties.To impress others.To just give an idea to others that we are in someway different than others.No we are not.Just because we have a set of different thoughts in the mind doesn't make us different.Those thoughts are are in the recycle bin of our system.Useless they are. You do know the GIGO principle.Garbage-in -Garbage out.Feed in fear and lies, collect a fucked up man at the other end.

     To be continued..

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