Thursday, May 26, 2011

Middle finger

Well, I have thought over many things to write on.History repeats itself, and so do thoughts themselves especially if they confront you during times of boredom when you are all yours.Hence I shamelessly, and proudly bring forth the point that I repeat myself.For perfection, you can say.The one or two who read what I write ask me, “ what is it you wanna convey? Why do you keep exaggerating so much?”

Of course I didn’t have an answer.But I did find traces of it in here : Man is a mystery: if you spend your entire life trying to puzzle it out, then do not say that you have wasted your time. I occupy myself with this mystery, because I want to be a man.
And I want everyone of you to scream your ass off against everyone and everything.We do it all the time.I just want you to admit it, at least once.I hate this world

So this is it folks. This is the world I know, the world where in I do NOT understand anything, anything at all. The world which always appears confused no matter from whose point of view I try to observe .Let this world go to hell, ASAP.Let 2012 go down as 2011 in history books, if there are any left in the embers of the eagerly awaited disaster. Let all the people who are squeezing their way through the overcrowded competitive race die in a stampede .Let me have fun in the stands ,watching them stumble over and crush one another. Logically speaking, if there is a race course for these people, in case of emergency they can break their way to freedom from the edges of the track, but they won’t, for they never identified an option of slipping away from the choking contest. Their Hobson's choice was only to drift along and change gears .And moreover, with their degrees of freedom subjected to larceny,what else could they do? Fuck ‘em. They deserve to die as much as I deserve to watch it happen.

Up until now the social networking website Facebook, had gone through 3 stages.Firstly It was praised all over before people started voraciously using it.Secondly,having grown sick with all the “likes” and “comments” and other virtual fuck-ups, users started pointing fingers at Facebook for all the altercations, misunderstandings, WTFs and primarily their low self esteems.Lastly, they began to curse Facebook that it’s addictive and is ‘spoiling’ today’s youth .As you can see, Facebook has always been fine, it’s the USERS that are fucked.Look at their walls, look how desperately they crave for attention, look how cow-dung soaked the walls are.

You can refute a scientist’s experiment by juxtaposing the results with the facts available.Yes, tell him they’re wrong and he wont feel bad.He’ll go back to work and try harder.On the contrary attack anyone’s belief system with logic and reason, he’s after your ass to either convince you or kill you.Everyone must try to be a scientist.I don’t mean all and sundry should go get chocked up in a lab.A man should always go by reason and not by his feelings.This is Ayn Rand shit alright.But not heavy,not difficult.Just Common sense.Have you observed how people jump with fury/break into tears when you ‘hurt’ their feelings? I mean the little things that aren’t worth the fuck, the little things that destabilize people in a split second and make them do stupid things they later whine over.People twist around, you know..they say, “ you have no idea how I feel”..Of course I don’t, assholes.Ask them ‘Why’ they feel- the imaginary premise on which the feelings are based, and if the why is clarified, the how is justified.Most of them keep acting on whim of ‘how’,repent over and over, and blame on feelings.If you are feeling contrition every time, why don’t you change your ‘why’? You wont and don’t wanna.Why would you want to? Because feelings are important.You can get away with them.To hell’s core with these emotional parasites!!

I'm done and dont care about ending this in a conventional hierarchial way an article does.Fuck the conventions, too.

PS. I have deliberately used the word ‘Fuck’ because I think it is a powerful word, powerful on its very usage.It’s the suppression of the word that gives it the power.The more you use, the more raised  eyebrows and jaw droppings, and eventually the less powerful it becomes.


  1. very nice!! \u mentioned abt "feel" ! nw i shd rethink abt ma present situation which is mainly dominated by dis "feel"! nice work!

  2. Good one however everyone got their own life and own hand to clean their ass after shitting is done, so let them go to hell. its just waste of tym to think abt them......last post scriptum is precisely accurate.
