Friday, January 15, 2010

jai telangana-2

'Which channel is it?' Su asked.
'Tv 9" said a tembling voice.It was saurav.
The state having most number of news channels in India is Andhra pradesh...wait a second....( telangana or samaikhyandhra?).Anything and everything, they  present every ounce of news in such a dramatic way that it would look like a short movie. Perhaps their movies are called news, like a filmmaker said.Yes, they can be called entertainment channels too.They are simliar to the all-in ones which are considered to be the Geetha, Kuran and Bible of engineering sciences.Since september, it had been a festive season for the media.TRPs were at the pinnacle.

Now, how on earth were we supposed to not appear on Tv if we were at the center of what seemed to be a complete chaos.I started to imagine...If the momentum of the crowd picked up enough to piss the cops off then we would be behind the bars almost naked with our clothes stuffed under our folded arms  pleading forgiveness.NOOO!! dreaming with your eyes open is too dangerous.

' Oh no'  Saurav started to panic.
'wats it?' Vinay spoke though barely audible in the melee.
' Normal people worship God every morning they wake up, but my dad worships Tv 9. I am dead if he watches me in this joker outfit.' Saurav acknowledged.
'Its okay. We wont be caught in the video because the media will only focus on the harcore activists, we will saty behind and slowly slip away'. said Vinay.
'I dont think so Vinay'  Su said.
'Lets get the hell outta here' saurav screamed.
' Like they are going to allow us' interjected Vj jerking his head towards the crowd.
'Whether we stay ahead or behind, we badly dont want to be a part of this' I said.
'Wat do we do now?  Arun,the last person to speak, asked.
Everyone turned to him.
'SHUT UP' they screamed.

The cops and the media vehicles grappled to make their way as they squeezed between other vehicles finally stopping a few convincing metres away from us.

'I have a brilliant idea' Vinay proposed.

to be continued....

1 comment:

  1. well this certainly looks an episode of Tv9 or else how can you explain this line ''to be continued...''....
    n yea v lesser mortals might not correctly guess ''the brillant idea'' so yea looking fwd do c tht ..... epecting sumthing truly majestic.....

    Yours Truly.....
